Starting a business, investing or settling in France ?

FIDUCIAL is a one-stop organization that delivers the full accounting, business and financial advisory services to help you face the particular challenges of operating abroad.

As a foreign individual or a business leader, you may not be acquainted with the French business environment, laws and rules. In order to successfully set up and run your business in France, FIDUCIAL's wide network (an office every 30 km in France) allows you to be in close proximity to our experts who can assist you with legal and tax advice, bookkeeping and accounting, payroll, audit, banking and financial services, information technology services, office solutions and private security.

Choose FIDUCIAL to get your accounting and tax returns right and to be sure to comply with French regulations, laws, accounting and reporting requirements for companies and businesses in France.

Tax & legal

  • Assistance and advice on setting up a business in France,
  • Advice on the most appropriate business structure and corresponding tax regime,
  • Drafting and registration of the company’s articles, completion of formalities,
  • Outsourcing of legal secretarial duties,
  • Drafting of legal documents, terms and conditions,
  • Assistance in analyzing agreements (lease of premises, partnership, …),
  • Advice on corporate and individual taxation, development of a tax planning strategy,
  • Business and personal tax compliance,
  • Advice on French employment law,
  • Drafting of employment agreements and terminations,
  • Assistance during tax and social audits.

Accountancy, Payroll and Business Support Services

  • Business plans,
  • Organization of your administration,
  • Bookkeeping, accounting and/or complete outsourcing solutions,
  • Annual accounts,
  • Tax return preparation and tax compliance,
  • Collection of unpaid invoices,
  • Compliance with all company law requirements and accounting standards,
  • Reports for management purposes, advice on budgets and financials,
  • Audit (statutory and voluntary),
  • Full payroll outsourcing services : employment agreements, formalities, registration with social security, compliance with social obligations as an employer in France, payroll.

Banking and Financial Services

  • Opening of a bank account for your business,
  • Financing of business start-up,
  • Financing of business investments (IT, business property, production tools, vehicles,…),
  • Investments and retirement planning : audit your personal situation and prepare the future,
  • Wealth management.

Other Services

Information technology services

  • Accounting, invoicing and payroll software, tailored to your specific industry,
  • Creation of your website and/or your e-commerce trade.

Office solutions

  • Office supplies, equipment and furniture,
  • Web-to-print solutions for business documents.

Private security

Security solutions for people, data and property.

Setting up a business out of France ? We can help you too…

FIDUCIAL in Belgium

FIDUCIAL Expertise/Accountancy
FIDUCIAL Tax & Legal Consulting
avenue Louise 148 – 1050 Bruxelles
Tél. +32.2.649.80.16

FIDUCIAL Office Solutions
Chaussée de la Hulpe 181
1170 Bruxelles
Tél. +32.2.387.20.20

21 FIDUCIAL offices in Belgium to offer you a full service in :

  • Start-up, acquisition or sale of your company,
  • Accountancy, bookkeeping and business support services,
  • Tax and legal advice,
  • Payroll,
  • Office Solutions.

FIDUCIAL in Luxemburg

FIDUCIAL Expertise
81, rue Jean-Baptiste Gillardin
BP 63 - 4701 Pétange
Tél. +352.50.46.99-1
Fax. +352.50.73.85
Contactez par email

FIDUCIAL Office Solutions
1/7 rue Nina et Julien Lefèvre
1952 Luxembourg
Fax. +352.

A full service offer in Luxemburg :

  • Start-up, acquisition or sale of your company,
  • Accountancy, bookkeeping and business support services,
  • Tax services,
  • Payroll,
  • Office Solutions.

FIDUCIAL in Switzerland

Boulevard Jacques-Emile Dalcroze 5 – 1204 Genève
Tél. +41.22.346.62.72
Fax. +41.22.789.11.62

FRI Fiduciaire, Révision et Informatique S.A.
Passage du Lion d’Or 3 –
1040 Echallens
Tél. +41.21.886.22.86
Fax. +41.21.886.22.87

A full service offer from FIDUCIAL in Geneva and Lausanne :

  • Start-up, acquisition or sale of your company,
  • Accountancy, bookkeeping and business support services,
  • Tax services,
  • Payroll,
  • Audit.

FIDUCIAL in Morocco

100 boulevard d’Abdelmoumen - Casablanca
Tél. +212.522.23.14.08
Fax. +212.522.98.28.21

The Casablanca Sofinarex France-Maroc team offers FIDUCIAL expertise in :

  • Assistance to foreign investors in Morocco,
  • Assistance with start-up, acquisition or sale of your company,
  • Accountancy, bookkeeping and business support services,
  • Tax services,
  • Payroll.

FIDUCIAL in the United States

Tél. +1.866.343.8242

Tél. +1 800.877.3332

Paris Tél.
New York Tél. +1.212.673.1200
Miami Tél. +1.305.579.0220
and Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Los Angeles, Orlando, Palo Alto, Porto Rico, San Fransisco, Washington, Saint Barthélémy ...

A full-service offer for entrepreneurs and individuals planning to relocate to the USA, start or develop a business, as well as for entrepreneurs already in route or present in the USA :

  • Assistance with settlement in the USA,
  • Analysis of tax and social situation and advice for optimization
  • Assistance with start-up, acquisition or sale of your company,
  • Bookkeeping and financial reporting services,
  • Business counseling services,
  • Tax services,
  • Payroll services.

FIDUCIAL in Ireland

23H Unit 4 Liosban Business Park, Tuam Road - Galway
Tél. +353.091.394.040

The FIDUCIAL office in Galway can help you with :

  • New business formation,
  • Weekly/monthly payroll services,
  • Cashflow management,
  • Accounts preparation,
  • Tax services and filing,
  • Audits, reviews, compilations,
  • Internal systems and controls,
  • Internal audits & compliance checks.

FIDUCIAL in the Dominican Republic

Calle Emilio Aparicio – N° 98 Ensanche Julieta – Santo Domingo
Tél. +809.562.1166
Fax. +809.549.5275

The FIDUCIAL team in Santo-Domingo will assist you with :

  • Start-up of your company,
  • Bookkeeping,
  • Accounts preparation,
  • Cashflow management,
  • Payroll services,
  • Tax returns and planification.

FIDUCIAL in other countries

FIDUCIAL International
Tél. +33.472.20.76.51

For projects in other countries, we offer the expert services of FIDUCIAL INTERNATIONAL-teams of highly qualified independent correspondents, chartered accountants and legal firms that share our values and sense of client orientation.

Our correspondents are consistently recognized for their professionalism and outstanding quality and they support our clients throughout their settlement and development on foreign markets. They assure the professional services that our clients need in the day-to-day operations of a company abroad : management advice, accounting and bookkeeping, employee payroll, tax administration, legal advice, …

Contact us now for your projects in the UK, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Romania, Tunisia, Mauritius, Canada, Brazil, Chili, Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, ….. or any other destination.